108 research outputs found

    Hidden Markov Model Variants and their Application

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    Markov statistical methods may make it possible to develop an unsupervised learning process that can automatically identify genomic structure in prokaryotes in a comprehensive way. This approach is based on mutual information, probabilistic measures, hidden Markov models, and other purely statistical inputs. This approach also provides a uniquely common ground for comparative prokaryotic genomics. The approach is an on-going effort by its nature, as a multi-pass learning process, where each round is more informed than the last, and thereby allows a shift to the more powerful methods available for supervised learning at each iteration. It is envisaged that this "bootstrap" learning process will also be useful as a knowledge discovery tool. For such an ab initio prokaryotic gene-finder to work, however, it needs a mechanism to identify critical motif structure, such as those around the start of coding or start of transcription (and then, hopefully more). For eukaryotes, even with better start-of-coding identification, parsing of eukaryotic coding regions by the HMM is still limited by the HMM's single gene assumption, as evidenced by the poor performance in alternatively spliced regions. To address these complications an approach is described to expand the states in a eukaryotic gene-predictor HMM, to operate with two layers of DNA parsing. This extension from the single layer gene prediction parse is indicated after preliminary analysis of the C. elegans alt-splice statistics. State profiles have made use of a novel hash-interpolating MM (hIMM) method. A new implementation for an HMM-with-Duration is also described, with far-reaching application to gene-structure identification and analysis of channel current blockade data

    Designed Azolopyridinium Salts Block Protective Antigen Pores In Vitro and Protect Cells from Anthrax Toxin

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    Background:Several intracellular acting bacterial protein toxins of the AB-type, which are known to enter cells by endocytosis, are shown to produce channels. This holds true for protective antigen (PA), the binding component of the tripartite anthrax-toxin of Bacillus anthracis. Evidence has been presented that translocation of the enzymatic components of anthrax-toxin across the endosomal membrane of target cells and channel formation by the heptameric/octameric PA63 binding/translocation component are related phenomena. Chloroquine and some 4-aminoquinolones, known as potent drugs against Plasmodium falciparium infection of humans, block efficiently the PA63-channel in a dose dependent way.Methodology/Principal Findings:Here we demonstrate that related positively charged heterocyclic azolopyridinium salts block the PA63-channel in the μM range, when both, inhibitor and PA63 are added to the same side of the membrane, the cis-side, which corresponds to the lumen of acidified endosomal vesicles of target cells. Noise-analysis allowed the study of the kinetics of the plug formation by the heterocycles. In vivo experiments using J774A.1 macrophages demonstrated that the inhibitors of PA63-channel function also efficiently block intoxication of the cells by the combination lethal factor and PA63 in the same concentration range as they block the channels in vitro.Conclusions/Significance:These results strongly argue in favor of a transport of lethal factor through the PA63-channel and suggest that the heterocycles used in this study could represent attractive candidates for development of novel therapeutic strategies against anthrax. © 2013 Beitzinger et al

    Conditional statistics of electron transport in interacting nanoscale conductors

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    Interactions between nanoscale semiconductor structures form the basis for charge detectors in the solid state. Recent experimental advances have demonstrated the on-chip detection of single electron transport through a quantum dot (QD). The discreteness of charge in units of e leads to intrinsic fluctuations in the electrical current, known as shot noise. To measure these single-electron fluctuations a nearby coherent conductor, called a quantum point contact (QPC), interacts with the QD and acts as a detector. An important property of the QPC charge detector is noninvasiveness: the system physically affects the detector, not visa-versa. Here we predict that even for ideal noninvasive detectors such as the QPC, when a particular detector result is observed, the system suffers an informational backaction, radically altering the statistics of transport through the QD as compared to the unconditional shot noise. We develop a theoretical model to make predictions about the joint current probability distributions and conditional transport statistics. The experimental findings reported here demonstrate the reality of informational backaction in nanoscale systems as well as a variety of new effects, such as conditional noise enhancement, which are in essentially perfect agreement with our model calculations. This type of switching telegraph process occurs abundantly in nature, indicating that these results are applicable to a wide variety of systems.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Nature Physic

    Support Vector Machine Implementations for Classification & Clustering

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    BACKGROUND: We describe Support Vector Machine (SVM) applications to classification and clustering of channel current data. SVMs are variational-calculus based methods that are constrained to have structural risk minimization (SRM), i.e., they provide noise tolerant solutions for pattern recognition. The SVM approach encapsulates a significant amount of model-fitting information in the choice of its kernel. In work thus far, novel, information-theoretic, kernels have been successfully employed for notably better performance over standard kernels. Currently there are two approaches for implementing multiclass SVMs. One is called external multi-class that arranges several binary classifiers as a decision tree such that they perform a single-class decision making function, with each leaf corresponding to a unique class. The second approach, namely internal-multiclass, involves solving a single optimization problem corresponding to the entire data set (with multiple hyperplanes). RESULTS: Each SVM approach encapsulates a significant amount of model-fitting information in its choice of kernel. In work thus far, novel, information-theoretic, kernels were successfully employed for notably better performance over standard kernels. Two SVM approaches to multiclass discrimination are described: (1) internal multiclass (with a single optimization), and (2) external multiclass (using an optimized decision tree). We describe benefits of the internal-SVM approach, along with further refinements to the internal-multiclass SVM algorithms that offer significant improvement in training time without sacrificing accuracy. In situations where the data isn't clearly separable, making for poor discrimination, signal clustering is used to provide robust and useful information – to this end, novel, SVM-based clustering methods are also described. As with the classification, there are Internal and External SVM Clustering algorithms, both of which are briefly described

    The porin and the permeating antibiotic: A selective diffusion barrier in gram-negative bacteria

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    Gram-negative bacteria are responsible for a large proportion of antibiotic resistant bacterial diseases. These bacteria have a complex cell envelope that comprises an outer membrane and an inner membrane that delimit the periplasm. The outer membrane contains various protein channels, called porins, which are involved in the influx of various compounds, including several classes of antibiotics. Bacterial adaptation to reduce influx through porins is an increasing problem worldwide that contributes, together with efflux systems, to the emergence and dissemination of antibiotic resistance. An exciting challenge is to decipher the genetic and molecular basis of membrane impermeability as a bacterial resistance mechanism. This Review outlines the bacterial response towards antibiotic stress on altered membrane permeability and discusses recent advances in molecular approaches that are improving our knowledge of the physico-chemical parameters that govern the translocation of antibiotics through porin channel

    A novel, fast, HMM-with-Duration implementation – for application with a new, pattern recognition informed, nanopore detector

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) provide an excellent means for structure identification and feature extraction on stochastic sequential data. An HMM-with-Duration (HMMwD) is an HMM that can also exactly model the hidden-label length (recurrence) distributions – while the regular HMM will impose a best-fit geometric distribution in its modeling/representation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A Novel, Fast, HMM-with-Duration (HMMwD) Implementation is presented, and experimental results are shown that demonstrate its performance on two-state synthetic data designed to model Nanopore Detector Data. The HMMwD experimental results are compared to (i) the ideal model and to (ii) the conventional HMM. Its accuracy is clearly an improvement over the standard HMM, and matches that of the ideal solution in many cases where the standard HMM does not. Computationally, the new HMMwD has all the speed advantages of the conventional (simpler) HMM implementation. In preliminary work shown here, HMM feature extraction is then used to establish the first pattern recognition-informed (PRI) sampling control of a Nanopore Detector Device (on a "live" data-stream).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The improved accuracy of the new HMMwD implementation, at the same order of computational cost as the standard HMM, is an important augmentation for applications in gene structure identification and channel current analysis, especially PRI sampling control, for example, where speed is essential. The PRI experiment was designed to inherit the high accuracy of the well characterized and distinctive blockades of the DNA hairpin molecules used as controls (or blockade "test-probes"). For this test set, the accuracy inherited is 99.9%.</p

    Thermodynamics of Competitive Molecular Channel Transport: Application to Artificial Nuclear Pores

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    In an analytical model channel transport is analyzed as a function of key parameters, determining efficiency and selectivity of particle transport in a competitive molecular environment. These key parameters are the concentration of particles, solvent-channel exchange dynamics, as well as particle-in-channel- and interparticle interaction. These parameters are explicitly related to translocation dynamics and channel occupation probability. Slowing down the exchange dynamics at the channel ends, or elevating the particle concentration reduces the in-channel binding strength necessary to maintain maximum transport. Optimized in-channel interaction may even shift from binding to repulsion. A simple equation gives the interrelation of access dynamics and concentration at this transition point. The model is readily transferred to competitive transport of different species, each of them having their individual in-channel affinity. Combinations of channel affinities are determined which differentially favor selectivity of certain species on the cost of others. Selectivity for a species increases if its in-channel binding enhances the species' translocation probablity when compared to that of the other species. Selectivity increases particularly for a wide binding site, long channels, and fast access dynamics. Recent experiments on competitive transport of in-channel binding and inert molecules through artificial nuclear pores serve as a paradigm for our model. It explains qualitatively and quantitatively how binding molecules are favored for transport at the cost of the transport of inert molecules

    Enhancement of Transport Selectivity through Nano-Channels by Non-Specific Competition

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    The functioning of living cells requires efficient and selective transport of materials into and out of the cell, and between different cellular compartments. Much of this transport occurs through nano-scale channels that do not require large scale molecular re-arrangements (such as transition from a ‘closed’ to an ‘open’ state) and do not require a direct input of metabolic energy during transport. Nevertheless, these ‘always open’ channels are highly selective and pass only their cognate molecules, while efficiently excluding all others; indeed, these channels can efficiently transport specific molecules even in the presence of a vast excess of non-specific molecules. Such biological transporters have inspired the creation of artificial nano-channels. These channels can be used as nano-molecular sorters, and can also serve as testbeds for examining modes of biological transport. In this paper, we propose a simple kinetic mechanism that explains how the selectivity of such ‘always open’ channels can be based on the exclusion of non-specific molecules by specific ones, due to the competition for limited space inside the channel. The predictions of the theory account for the behavior of the nuclear pore complex and of artificial nanopores that mimic its function. This theory provides the basis for future work aimed at understanding the selectivity of various biological transport phenomena
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